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Mixing it Up During the Off Season - Thomas Endurance Coaching

Mixing it Up During the Off Season


Mixing it Up During the Off Season

This time of year can be tough for many endurance athletes. You’ve spent all season laser focused on building up and peaking for the races on your calendar, and now your season is over or winding down. This leaves you with a high level of fitness but more than likely in need of a break. You no doubt want to maintain some level of activity, but you or your coach knows it’s best to step back from the hyper structured environment you’ve been in for the past several months. So the question is, what do you do to still stay fit and active during the “off season”? Let’s take a look at a few go-to exercises that are perfect for this time of year.

Strength and Interval Workouts

 It’s common knowledge that the off-season is when endurance athletes get back to the weight room to focus on strength and conditioning. Building a strong and injury resistant athlete should always be a top priority. While strength training is important, there are ways to mix it up to see increased fitness gains and make it more exciting. High intensity workouts that incorporate running, body weight exercises, weights, and core work are not only fun but also effective. This type of dynamic approach to strength training helps build a true athletes body that’s both functional and mobile. Based on what type of athlete you are, and what you’re training for, this may not completely replace more traditional strength work. However, try implementing a workout like the following into your routine once a week during your off-season.

Warm Up: 10-Minute Run

Main Effort: Complete 3 full sets of the circuit below with 2 minutes rest in between

10 Pushups
20 Step Ups (10 Each Side)
45 Second Mountain Climber10 Pull Ups
100-Meter Sprint
15 Squats with Weight10 Burpees
20 Lunges (10 Each Side) with Weight
20 Bicycle Crunches (10 Each Side)

Cool Down: 10-Minute Run

Take Advantage of the Snow

The first inclination for many is to hit the treadmill or stationary trainer when the weather turns cold and the snow starts to fall. While those are both great tools for getting in key workouts, or logging some base mileage, don’t let them keep you indoors! Embrace the change in the seasons by taking advantage of winter only sports. XC skiing, snowshoeing, downhill skiing, and fat bikes are the perfect way to get outside and still stay fit. XC skis, snowshoes, and fat bikes turn your favorite summer trails into a completely new and different experience. While most of us are now used to having power, heart rate, cadence, speed, and other data at our disposal for most workouts, these cross training activities are the perfect opportunity to work on enjoying your time outside and “unplug”. If you’re missing structure while you’re out in the snow you can easily turn any of these activities into a more dedicated workout by using time and perceived effort as your metric. After an easy warm up go at a RPE of 7-8 for 3 minutes and then recover at an RPE of 4-5 for 5 minutes. Complete 4-6 sets for a great low-key workout that will leave you feeling healthy and refreshed.

Challenge Yourself

While race season is behind you for now, you’re no doubt still a goal-oriented person and enjoy pushing yourself. A good way to continue to stay focused while still allowing yourself the break you deserve is to establish small weekly or monthly challenges. They could be anything, but mileage or time based goals tend to work best. For instance, set a goal to ride 150 miles in one week, or to run 40. You might also set longer-term goals such as riding 500 miles in a month or 3 strength workouts per week for a month. Whatever the goal is, the intent is for it to be a small stress free way to keep you motivated and to feel like you’re keeping your fitness intact. Typically these types of goals also correspond with a traditional approach to base training where the goal is not so much focused workouts, but rather solid aerobic efforts that build the necessary foundation to add intensity when the race season build up begins. While these challenges are not as motivating as an A priority race during the season, they are a great way to add purpose to your base training.

Many athletes dread this time of year thinking that they’ll lose all of their hard earned fitness. While it’s important to step back for a short period of time to allow for rest and reset, you can still have fun and stay fit by mixing things up. Whether it’s taking advantage of snow sports, working in some high intensity strength sessions, or setting small goals for yourself, there are plenty of ways to get the most out of your off-season. Set your sights on making gains elsewhere and taking this time to embrace everything the season has to offer. By doing this you’ll be able to transition back into structured training feeling healthy and motivated to attack your first spring race.


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